Seminar "Scenarios of globalization"

Seit 2008 gibt Herr Dr. Reichl jedes Wintersemester an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien ein Seminar zum Thema "Scenarios of globalization". Da dieses Seminar in Englisch gehalten wird, sind die folgende Information auch nur auf Englisch verfügbar.
Since 2008, Dr. Reichl is giving a seminar at the Vienna University for Business and Economics on the topic "Scenarios of globalization". Since this seminar is given in English language, all the information on this topic is only available in English.
Course description
This highly interactive course will deal with many aspects of “globalization”, not only with global value chains in production and services in various economic sectors, but also with the consequences of globalization, such as protective behavior of various states, conflicts of interest between corporations and states, Intellectual Property issues, relations between developing countries and industrialized countries, as well as environmental issues. The red line through all these issues will be the creation of three so-called Scenarios, which will be elaborated in teams.
Aims of the seminar
Aim of the course is to help the students understand the complexity of globalization issue, their interrelations, the interests of the various players (countries, corporations, regulators, NGOs, etc.) as well as levers and ways to improve the global cooperation to the advantage of every player. In addition, they should develop a understanding of how globalization might develop during the next decade.
25 hrs in winter semester 2012/13 in semi-blocked mode (2 hours per semester)
9 blocks á 3 hours incl. written exam
In English language

The seminar is highly interactive: role games are discussed and 3 teams develop complementing scenarios concerning the potential future development of globalization.
In addition, four major global industries are analysed (agriculture, energy, pharma, and automotive) and typical globalization issues (global institutions, global trade agreements, multinational companies, patents, sustainability, fairness of trade, etc.) are discussed.